Regarding protection of personal information
This website is operated by Cellsystem.Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the Company). The copyright to the contents of this website (text, photographs, images, data, images, etc.) belongs to our company or its creator. Therefore, any unauthorized use (copying, reprinting, commercial use, etc.) of the contents of this website is strictly prohibited.
About handling of personal information
Personal information
Personal information refers to the customer's name, telephone number, e-mail address, address, and other information provided by the customer, which can be used to identify the customer by combining one or more of them. This refers to information that is available.
About purpose of use of personal information
We will use personal information only for the following purposes: In addition, when we ask customers to provide personal information, we will clearly state the purpose of its use in advance and obtain the customer's consent.
Scope of use of personal information
- Responding to customer inquiries
- Providing information and suggestions regarding services and products
- Provide information and information on services and new products
- Providing, confirming, and providing information on services that customers have applied for.
- Information on events, campaigns, etc.
- Sending notices, information magazines, e-mail magazines, etc. by direct mail
- Customer questionnaire and its analysis
- If it becomes necessary to contact the customer for any other reason
Restrictions on provision of personal information to third parties
Our company will not provide personal information to third parties unless we have obtained the customer's prior consent. However, in the following cases, personal information may be provided to a third party without obtaining the customer's prior consent.
- When it is based on legal provisions When it is necessary for the protection of human life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
- It is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local public entity, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the work stipulated by law, and there is a risk that obtaining the customer's consent may impede the execution of the said work.
- When disclosing personal information to a trusted subcontractor with whom we have concluded a confidentiality agreement in advance to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
About management of personal information
We keep personal information accurate and up-to-date, and strive to prevent unauthorized access, loss, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information. We have appointed a person in charge of the department that handles personal information to ensure appropriate management.
Update of personal information, suspension of use
If you wish to stop receiving information about services, products, or other notifications that we send to you, please contact the relevant department that issued the notification or the e-mail address below.
If you would like us to disclose your personal information held by us, or to correct, add or delete your personal information, please contact us via email below.
In this case, in order to confirm that the requester is the customer whose personal information is the subject of the request, the Company will request the requester to present documents necessary for such confirmation.